Developing a bilingual time tracking app and admin panel for the rapidly expanding employment agency.
Worklife is a well-established employment agency based in Poland, focusing on employee outsourcing, HR process audits, and legal consulting. They serve as a trusted partner for businesses across diverse industries, including automotive, warehousing, home appliances, and electrical and electronic devices. As the number of clients, projects, and employees grew, Worklife faced challenges with tracking and reporting work hours and time off. The traditional method of manual reporting became inefficient and time-consuming. The company needed a digital solution that would automate the process and provide real-time data. The tight timeframe for implementation made the project even more critical.
Employment services
3 months
Scope of work
Software development, UX/UI design
Team involved
Project manager, UX/UI designers, .NET developer
Entity Framework Core, .Net Core, React, Microsoft SQL Server, Git, GitHub
The project's main objective was to streamline the process of tracking and reporting employees’ work hours and time off for multiple clients and projects.
The scope of the project included the following key aims:
Developing from scratch a mobile-friendly and bilingual application for employees to help them report their work hours and time off.
Creating a centralised platform to monitor and manage employees' work hours and time off efficiently by the administration team at Worklife.
We took full ownership of the project, covering all aspects from start to finish:
Conducting a thorough assessment to understand the company's unique requirements and needs.
The solution consists of two main components:
Time tracker: this user-friendly, bilingual web application allows employees to report work hours and time off effortlessly. The application complies with all data protection regulations and is optimised for seamless performance on various mobile devices and operating systems. It's intuitive interface minimises user effort, ensuring smooth navigation. Users can easily switch between the Polish and Ukrainian language versions. Within no time after deployment, the application was actively used by 500 employees.
Administration panel: the centralised panel empowers administrators to manage time tracker users, monitor work hours and time off, and generate custom detailed work hours reports. The solution includes an automated process for importing and verifying employee data, eliminating time-consuming manual work.
This comprehensive software allows Worklife to achieve data accuracy and streamline administrative tasks, creating a productive and compliant work environment for all stakeholders.
For more information check our client's website: users and growing
of effectiveness
data accuracy